JH parking lot looks amazing. Please wipe off your tires before driving on it.
over 5 years ago, Heath Allison
https://5il.co/98kv - Here's What's Happening This Week 😎 Monday, August 5 - Friday, August 9 - Ten (10) more sleeps till the First Day of School!!! 💙 #HawkStrong
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
Coach Stephenson had her Jr Hawkettes working hard & having fun last week while learning new routines from the HS girls.
over 5 years ago, Heath Allison
New pavement looks great at the JH! They still have curbs and striping to complete, but its getting close.
over 5 years ago, Heath Allison
JH ANNC Student schedules were mailed today AND will be available to view on Infinite Campus today.....start calling all your friends! This weekend is Tax-Free and supply lists are posted online.
over 5 years ago, Heath Allison
Only 12 days until school starts! Remember that schedules will be available online and mailed on July 31. See you soon.
over 5 years ago, Heath Allison
Junior High Picture Day is Thursday, August 15 - the First Day of School. :O)
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
Free Back to School Physicals - DeSoto Family Clinic/Physical Therapy Services - Friday, July 26 from noon to 2 pm located at 702 Main Street in DeSoto and Carolyn's Closet Back-to-School Fair - Saturday, August 3 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. located at Wesley Methodist Church 3551 Hwy 61 (@ Hwy AA) in Festus. Physicals are free. Kids will need a parent present at time of physical. For more information call 636.543.2420 - for flyer, please click the link > https://5il.co/8mfq
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
Mark Your Calendars: August 2 - 4 > Sales Tax Holiday Weekend for certain Back to School purchases. (By state law, the sales tax holiday begins on the first Friday in August and continues through the following Sunday. Certain back-to-school purchases, such as clothing, school supplies, computers, and other items as defined by the statute, are exempt from sales tax for this time period only). The Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, August 2, and runs through Sunday, August 4. For more information, please visit - https://dor.mo.gov/business/sales/taxholiday/school/
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
Back to School Information at your fingertips - School Supply Lists, Open House dates and times, 2019/2020 School Calendar - http://www.hsdr3.org/o/hillsboro/browse/26138
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
Summer School Buses have left the Primary and are now heading home! Thank you for your patience as we deliver your students home safely! Have a great weekend! #SummerSchoolDay2
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
buses are rolling
Summer School Bus Routes are now online! -Please click the link! 🌞 https://5il.co/7rs6
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
Bus Routes
Here's What's Happening This Week - May 13 -19 🙂 https://5il.co/7nga
over 5 years ago, Webmaster
HHS Student Council will be hosting the Annual School Carnival - Friday, April 26 - 5-10 p.m. and Saturday, April 27 - 12-10 p.m. @ the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, please see the pic for more details!
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster
Carnival 2019
HHS Student Council Hosts: School Carnival 2019 Friday, April 26 - 5-10 p.m. & Saturday, April 27 - 12-10 p.m. @ the Jefferson County Fairgrounds - please see photo
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster
Good morning, We want to update you on a situation that occurred this morning at the Elementary School. An alert teacher heard a suspicious sound behind the Elementary from the direction of the Junior High. It was verified by law enforcement and district personnel that a construction vehicle laying asphalt at the Junior High had backfired loudly. All students are safe and resuming with their daily routine.
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster
Mercy Hospital Jefferson is hosting a Super Sitter Seminar 2019 - Saturday, June 1 - 8:30 a.m. to noon for students ages 9-16 - to register, please see the linked form >> https://5il.co/76cg
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster
Thank you Hawk Nation! 💙 Together: Inspiring. Empowering. Educating. Maintaining Quality Education and Services for our kids! #HawkStrong
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster
Hawks Rollback
April Breakfast and Lunch Menus are now available - http://hillsboromo.apptegy.us/o/hillsboro/browse/15433
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster
Tell a friend - Mark your calendar - Set a reminder... "Remember to Vote on Tuesday, April 2" #EveryVoteCounts Hawks Rollback Waiver info link - https://sites.google.com/hsdr3.org/hawks-rollback-waiver/home
almost 6 years ago, Webmaster