Hawkapella nailed it tonight at the JH concert.
So proud of our choir kids, they sounded great tonight!
Boys locker rooms underway with major remodel. You can see all the way through to outside! Lots of memories, lots of changes.
7th grade winners of today’s Trivia Day were the “Neato Bois”.
Great job by our students and staff to have a fun, educational day.
Here are pics of Holley and Health room move.
Health room and Mr Holley’s room are preparing for the looming summer construction.
Hillsboro R-3 Foundation awards two grants to Junior High staff!!
Inside and outside!! Locker room demo.
ATTN 7th graders:
Remember to bring a water bottle and sunscreen tomorrow for your trip to the park.
Here are some great results from our JH & HS Archery Teams at their National Tournament. So proud of these kids!
Team and Top 3 ind results.
Had the privilege of BBQing w/Mr Ramsey for staff and their families.
Great to see so many little ones, inc Blair Fehlker & Annabelle Smith
Kids (and staff) had a good time today celebrating the completion of the state MAP test.
Say goodbye to the boys’ locker rooms, demolition starts on Monday!
By August, there will be 1 large, new, ADA compliant room.
Is Mr Holley cool enough to take his Garden Club kids to Hillsboro Farmers’ Market?
Oh, yes he is!
Bustin it up!!
They are moving dirt on both sides of the building! The back lot is being staked off and measurements taken.
Mr Gillman’s JAG kids were 1st to move to prep for next year’s construction.
They also helped Mrs Viars move her things.
Rockets galore in science classes. Some were powered with water pressure (7th) and some with a small engine (8th).
Officers Wright, Arnold, Mora, & Heine speak and light candles.
About 20 dump trucks of fill removed today from back lot. Starting to reach grade of the new addition.