Mr Ramsey works very hard for our students' safety from K-12. Today, the JH held an extended Earthquake Drill, that included rally points!
Wonderful turnout for Student-Led Conferences tonight! Lots of great conversations and parental support. Not to late to attend on Thurs.
Q: Is this in our job descriptions?
A: YES because we support kids reading!
Great Reading Raves Assembly but messy
Proud to assist Coach Sonntag with Cheer Tryouts today, great turnout, lots of great young ladies!
Special congrats to these 21 girls
Flu Cold Season 2017 Letter from our School Nurses -
Career Day on Thursday morning, followed by an assembly that celebrates cool is that?!📕📖📚👏
Winter Sports gearing up next week!
Basketball tryouts begin MON 2:30-4:30 (girls-JH/boys-HS)
Wrestling begins practice MON 2:30-4:30
Special shout-out for our 2 student-athletes that were both 2 sport participants....Sydney Buettner VB/CC & Harrison Voyles FB/CC !!!
JH conference girls medal winners
3 Anna C
6 Reese B
18 Lexi W
CC conference boys medal winners
3 Josh A
7 Andrew C
8 Jonah A
9 Bailey H
10 Tyler W
18 Alex W
20 Jesse G
JCAA Conference CC Meet Results
JH boys 2nd place with 7 medalists
JH girls 3rd place with 3 medalists
Prop Hawks Bond Issue Renovation Projects Presentation -
26-14 final vs NC for our 7th Football team gives them a perfect 6-0 season, congrats to players and coaches on their accomplishments!
Some team pics of CC plaques & medals!
Congrats to the 8th grade VB team on their season and Sportsmanship Award!
7th boys, 7th girls, and 8th boys all place 1st at the Antonia MS Cross Country Race!
7th grade VB season is over after losing to Festus in the Conf Tourn semi-final game. So proud of how these girls represented our school!
Antonia CC meet was moved to Thursday due to rain.....thank goodness, it poured!
Winter sports info meetings this week for anyone interested.....wrestling Tues, girls BB Wed, boys BB Thur. Get involved!
JH Student-led Conference info should come home by today. Parents can attend sometime on Oct 24 OR 26 from 4:30-7:30, takes 20-30 min!