Enrollment Links will be Active 02/24/25 - Date of Enrollment Opening

Gather the Required Documents:
1. Birth Certificate
2. Immunization Records
3. Parent/Guardian Photo ID
4. Current Proof of Residency*
*see below
If applicable:
Guardianship Paperwork
Adoption Paperwork
Other Court Documents Pertaining to Student
Register Your New Kindergartener!
Click BELOW for our
Enrollment Links
Students may only be registered by a parent or court-appointed legal guardian.
*Be sure to click on the Appropriate Link
New Hawk Families or
Existing Hawks Families (Parent Portal)
and please be sure to choose
the School Year (2025-2026)
Once you have SUBMITTED your Online Registration, please call
Hillsboro Primary
to schedule your screening appointment (after 10 am and before 3 pm)
Screening Dates
Saturday, March 29 > 8 am -4 pm
Tuesday, April 8 > 4 - 8 pm
Saturday, April 26 > 8 am - 4 pm
Please use a computer, tablet, or Chromebook for enrollment if you are new to the District, as this process can be difficult on your smart phone.
If you are an existing family, you can use your cell phone, computer, tablet or Chromebook.
Computer Kiosk are available for your use and convenience at our District Data Center located at:
20 Hawk Drive - Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
*District Affidavit of Residency forms are available at the Data Center for parents/guardians that do not have mortgage, rent, or utility bills in their name
Enrollment Process Questions: Call 636.789.0007 or email OLR@hsdr3.org
In accordance with Senate Bill
No. 572, a student must be 5 years old before the first day in August to attend Kindergarten.
New Hawk Families:
*You do not have students currently enrolled in Hillsboro R-3
Click here for New Hawk Families
Existing Hawk Families:
Please enroll your new student(s) through your Campus Parent Portal
Instruction to enroll a new student from Campus Parent
Forget Campus Parent Password?
Click Here
A few things to know:
It is important to complete the entire online registration process for your student. You will need to enter your current proof of residency at the time of your online registration. You will receive an email confirmation when your registration has been approved. *see below for proof of residency requirements.
Missing documents can be presented at your screening appointment, brought to the District Data Center, or emailed to OLR@hsdr3.org (please include your five-digit application number and student name.