Annual Household Review
Informational Video - Click Here
Informational PDF - Click Here
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Campus Parent Portal login information, please contact your student(s) building secretary, contact information below.
Primary School
Elementary School
Intermediate School
Junior High School
Senior High School

2024-25 Annual Online Registration
ALL families are required to upload proof of residency with their Annual Online Registration, to be able to submit.
Current Proof of Residency (within 30 days/current billing cycle)
Proof of Residency:
*Utility Bill: water, sewer, trash, electric, gas, propane, internet, cable/satellite
- full front page of your most current bill -
Mortgage Statement: the front page of your mortgage statement
*Rental/Lease Agreement: signed rental/lease agreement (with your name and address) with your most current paid receipt
NOT Accepted: Personal Property Taxes, Real Estate Taxes, Credit Card Statements, Wireless Phones, Medical Bills, Car Loan Statement, Car Insurance, Food Stamp Info, Marketing Mailings, Bank Statements, partial billing statements (not showing date, address, resident name), unopened envelopes, etc.
If you do not have proof of residency in your name and are living with another family within the District, you will need to stop by the District Data Center for our District Affidavit of Residency form. This form requires parent/guardian and District resident’s notarized signatures. In addition to the return of the original affidavit, we need a copy of the resident’s current proof of residency and copy of their photo ID.
Log in to your Campus Parent Portal for the 2024-25 Annual Online Registration
Your review can be completed on your smart phone, tablet, your student's Chromebook or you can stop by the Data Center (located at 20 Hawk Drive) to use a District kiosk computer >> Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Hillsboro Data Center is located at 20 Hawk Drive