Alumni Transcript Request Form
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Former students or their parent/guardian (if the student is under 18) may obtain a copy of their records in person or send in a request. Walk-in/carry-out service is available from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm Monday through Friday at the Hillsboro R-3 Data Center located at 20 Hawk Drive. Picture identification is necessary in order to carry a transcript/record from the office with you.
For your written request provide the following information: Please fill out the Transcript Request form. Please print clearly, making sure the following information is filled out on the form: student's full name while attending; year of graduation; date of birth; name and address where you wish the transcript sent along with your signature and copy picture ID.
If you need additional information, contact Rachelle VanLue, District Registrar by email (for quickest turn-around time)