Ray Bess

Ray Bess
Director of Buildings and Grounds

636-789-0000 x3501

Hours of Operation:
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
Maintenance Shop 
Located at: 
504 Vreeland Road 
Hillsboro, MO 63050

Maintenance Work Orders
(On Campus Only)

Hillsboro R-III Maintenance and the Hillsboro Agriculture Program - honored as Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce Volunteers of the Year!

Hillsboro R-III Maintenance Department

Justin Lawson
HVAC, Welder,
Equipment Operator

Tim Cossey
Equipment Operator, Plumbing,
Door Lock Specialist

Ronnie Levall

Alan Werner
General Installer,
Electrician, Food Deliverer

Matt Dixon
General Installer 

Shawn Haney
High School Activities

"The Missouri General Assembly passed the “Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act” in 2022. This act requires Missouri school districts to test all drinking water outlets. Drinking water outlets constitute any fixture that is used or potentially used for drinking, food preparation, cooking, or cleaning kitchen utensils. Please see the attachments and links for details." 

3t's for Reducing Lead In Drinking Water 

EPA Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water

Lead testing